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It’s finally here, the end of all roads. Destiny arrives.

infinity-japanWe saw them rise… now we see them fall.

I remember the 11-year-old me getting so stoked with the release of the first installment of the Iron Man franchise back in 2008, and I wasn’t even fully aware of what the MCU has been “assembling” (wink, wink) back then. I was one of the lucky ones who grew up with this decade-long running franchise and I was with it all the way, in every screening, in every fan speculation, in every research of character backstory on the internet.

That being said, the release of Avengers: Infinity War, which seems to be just a dream back in 2013 when the future plans of MCU were announced, means so much to me—and my whole childhood is counting on it to live up to the 10 years it spent in establishing a whole expansive and fully-realized universe, rich in its own laws and lore, just to have it in the brink of nonexistence in Thanos’ one snap.

Now that the wait is finally over, the one question that all fans who grew up with the franchise can finally be put to rest: Was AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR worth all the wait?

I’m glad to be the bearer of the news that the answer is YES, it’s worth it, and it has so much more to offer.

Let’s get this sweet and simple (and vague)—the movie is everything every MCU fan hopes for… and even more. There is so much to talk about, so many stakes and consequences, so many awesome moments and scenes that will send chills running down your spine, and going deeper as to what makes this blockbuster a magnum opus is almost near-impossible without MAJOR spoilers.

To put it lightly, AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR is the longest, grandest and even the darkest MCU movie up to date, and it could easily make the top of anyone’s list. One could say that AIW is the Lord of the Rings or the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows of the MCU given its scale and the stakes at play.

There are three things you need to know about this movie:
FIRST, is that the movie is HEAVY, and when I say heavy, I mean that when the consequences happen, they hit hard. However, the movie is also funny as hell, which is a testament to such very superb screenplay and direction. It’s a very fun movie, but it can very dark at times. That being said, the movie is FILLED WITH MAJOR SPOILERS so please restrain your tongue in courtesy of others who want to enjoy their MCU experience.

SECOND, Thanos is simply one of the best and most refreshing villains not only in the MCU but in also all of film. You will simply fall in love with this villain just as you have fallen in love with the heroes. He is fully fleshed out. You understand his intentions. HE IS ONE CERTIFIED OVERPOWERED BADASS.

LASTLY, the movie is 2 hours and 30 minutes long and is beautifully paced with enough story and action setpiece alternating each time. So you might want to cut the drinks when planning to see this movie. The first and third acts are exhilaratingly fun and painful at the same time and the second act spends its time fleshing out the full realization of the lore that the Marvel Cinematic Universe had long been set up.

In conclusion, AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR is everything you’d expect (and wouldn’t expect) from Marvel’s ultimate masterpiece. You’d be surprised at the artistic decisions in the design and presentation, which deviates from the Marvel formula. And ultimately, you’d simply be speechless with the boldness of Marvel in their decisions in advancing the Cinematic Universe.

Indeed it has become a universe, and indeed everything has just become possible.



Was the first one. On the first day. On the first screening.

Worth the wait.

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