
How I Wish I were Never Born

How I wish I were never born
so that the day when I met you
would never come
and that our sweetest memories
would never be shared.

How I wish I were never born
so that we would never break
each other’s hearts
and we would never shed
the ever-bitterest tears.

How I wish I were never born
because I’d rather not exist at all
than to live all my life believing
that I could be happy for once
when it was all just a futile lie.

How I wish I were never born
so I would never bear the hell
of seeing you in despair
and losing grasp of your hand
in failing to free you from your chains.

How I wish I were never born
for living a life without you
is worse than dying the most painful death
or burning in the eternal inferno
or even not having existed at all.

How I wish I were never born
knowing that you are here
in the same world as me
under the same stars
but will



She was a Capulet,
and he was a Montague,
and everyone knows
the fate of a star-crossed love–

A cupful of poison
and a dagger to the heart,
for better or for worse
till death do us part.

The world is full of Romeos and Juliets
and all that stood against them
and the saddest thing about this story
is that you can’t rewrite a classic tragedy.

The playwright has set the stars.



I was fearless before I met you
but you taught me the fear of losing you.
For the first time in my life, I was afraid
and then suddenly you left me alone.
Now, even the ghosts of the earth
nor the demons of hell scare me not
for what else have I left to fear
when my greatest fear of you being gone
is what I face every break of dawn?

You made me what I am– Fearless.


A Change of Face, a Change of Purpose

How much could change in just 365 days?

Apparently, much.

I know we can all relate to procrastination and very impulsive decisions that we just realize we couldn’t commit to in the end. Case and point, this one. “I’m gonna start myself a blog,” said the July 2016 me, and wrote very tediously for a good month, then soon after, simply went on doing other endeavors.

We always wanted to do something. We always wanted to be something. But sometimes we just do not have the will to do it. Perhaps we got lazy, perhaps we got intimidated, or worse, perhaps our dreams simply… die.

We’re all victims of dead dreamsPerhaps if there would be a list of universal human experiences, this would be one of them, and probably make it to the top.

Come to think of it, when you were young and were asked what you want to become when you grow old (and you’re a child with stereotypical dreams like me), you would answer, “I want to be an astronaut!” “I want to be a paleontologist!” “I want to be the president!” all with a very enthusiastic exclamation point. Continue reading “A Change of Face, a Change of Purpose”