
How I Wish I were Never Born

How I wish I were never born
so that the day when I met you
would never come
and that our sweetest memories
would never be shared.

How I wish I were never born
so that we would never break
each other’s hearts
and we would never shed
the ever-bitterest tears.

How I wish I were never born
because I’d rather not exist at all
than to live all my life believing
that I could be happy for once
when it was all just a futile lie.

How I wish I were never born
so I would never bear the hell
of seeing you in despair
and losing grasp of your hand
in failing to free you from your chains.

How I wish I were never born
for living a life without you
is worse than dying the most painful death
or burning in the eternal inferno
or even not having existed at all.

How I wish I were never born
knowing that you are here
in the same world as me
under the same stars
but will

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